Partnership / Collaboration

  • Sometimes a company may be short staffed or just need additional expertise. Though our Partnership/Collaboration program we are able to provide certified technicians for the following:

    • Commissioning

    • Designing Graphics

    • Supervisory device and a server for front end operation and monitoring

    • Acclimating different systems into a unified front end

    • Controller installation

    • Providing minority participation which helps job procurement

  • We have an established history of projects with such companies such as Johnson Controls, Siemens, Honeywell, Automated Logic and many more.

    • We are committed to providing our partners with great service, loyalty, and confidentiality. While partnering with a client we DO NOT promote our own company. Our philosophy is to make our client shine such that our presence promotes additional job procurement for our client which in turn provides a stronger Partnership/Collaboration with us.

compter and blueprints